4月19日:ツアー1日目 「Geneve」: 旧市街、大聖堂、レマン湖など
April 19th, 2016 Geneva old town, Cathedral Saint-Pierre, Lake Leman
In Europe, the old town district of Geneva is the largest.
The visitors can encounter fountains, museums, antique shops, the cathedral of St Peter and many old buildings.
It is possible to discover vestiges going back to 2000 years in history.
長嶋泰子と星野史子: GENEVAに到着 Yasco Nagashima and Fumiko Hoshino arriving at the airport |
紀元前58年ユリウス・カエサルが In 58 B.C. the Roman general Julius Caesar stopped the migration of the Helvetian tribes to the south, at this bridge over the river Rhone
Fountain with the goddess of Geneva at the foot of the old town GENEVAの泉にある保護神の下から |
Discovering the inner courts |
本屋の看板 |
Stone marking the site of the house of Jean Calvin |
Old Arsenal - a series of canons decorated by mosaics, the one at left portraying Caesar's arrival in the city 州の公文書館の広場に18世紀の旧兵器庫があります。M. Gagginiは公文書館を案内しました。 |
Discovering the secrets of |
Legal document of 羊皮紙に16世紀の黄金の文字から始まる法律文書:ラテン語 |
Book-binding tools |
Latin public document |
Legal seals 蝋印 |
The coat of arms POST TENEBRAS LUX 「暗闇の後、光」 |
Antiphonary book in Gothic textura |
Parchment scroll of |
Legal signature and lead seal |
Armorial register |
Record of debts dated 1802 1802年 借金の覚え書き:事務書体 |
Opposite the State Archives the city hall was built |
Under the protection of the
Going up on the riders' ramp, a gentle slope. |
Following the riders' staircase |
M. Gaggini and Y. Nagashima at the top of the City Hall 美しいアーケードの上り坂