with Master Calligrapher Muriel Gaggini


1. The Gothic Textura Quadrata hand: PDF manual
2. The Chancery hand (also called Italic, Cursive style etc.)

Courses are offered in English, French or in Japanese

DURATION: 6 months within Japan and 8 months for overseas students

5TUITION: ¥50,000 for each course
Manual: ¥10,000 each
Handling and shipping cost: ¥3,000

Based on many years of teaching calligraphy and doing research on medieval manuscripts, Muriel Gaggini has designed these two 6-month courses for beginners in Latin calligraphy. Basic traditional tools and materials are visually introduced and accompanied by detailed explanations that will ensure instant understanding for those new to this art. The manual and exercise pages provide step-by-step instruction in the art of mastering 2 different styles of the Latin alphabet.

Each course is divided into four units, followed by a homework assignment. Homework can be sent for correction at the individual student's pace and will be returned with comments and corrections. The course begins the day the manual is dispatched to the student. Total corrections: one homework per unit = 4 times.

Enrollment is accepted at any time



Called "Black letters" because of the predominance of black strokes, these powerful and luxurious letters were popular from the 13th century and are easy to write. It is advised to start learning calligraphy with this style. Teaching begins with basic shapes and progresses to the correct use of punctuation, letter variations, ligatures and numerals. Elegant capitals from the book of hours of the Duke of Berry are analyzed before moving on to the design of decorated initials called Lombardics.

In order to master this style of writing, everything you need to know is in this manual!

PDF manual : 113 pages, price: ¥10,000

This is a calligraphy art course in PDF for beginners with detailed explanations.
Examples of the work of old master calligraphers and modern works are included.

The manual is divided into 4 units, each including one practice project

Tuition for this correspondence course: ¥40,000
each project will be corrected and sent back with comments.



Calligraphy manual: HOW TO MASTER THE CHANCERY HAND also called Italic, Cursive style etc.

This is the refined and rhythmical style of the Italian Renaissance scribes. Extremely versatile and adaptable, it is an essential hand for today's calligraphers. Its use spread from the Italian peninsula to other kingdoms from the middle of the 15th century. Muriel Gaggini teaches you the fluent and elegant style favoured by the master- calligraphers of that time.

Manual presentation : 113 pages, price: ¥10,000

Manual divided into 4 units, each including one practice projet

For the correspondence course (¥40,000)
each project will be corrected and sent back with comments.

Example of corrections and comments for the final project of the Italic hand:

here the Japanese student chose a text in the French language:

All homeworks are returned with comments made in the selected language (here Japanese)
Corrections for words and letter combinations are re-written using margins and open spaces.

Office hours: 10:00-18:00
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Address: Yonbancho 11-4-201, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-0081, Japan
Mail address:

Tel (813) 3261-5273    Fax (813) 3261-5277


All photographs and artwork are the property of MG School

Website concept and design by Muriel Gaggini