2024 Greece - Japan Year of Culture and Tourism  

Closing ceremony: December 16th

Prime Ministers Mitsotakis and Kishida jointly decided to declare 2024 as Year of Culture and Tourism.

MG School took part in events this year with a collection of quotes by famous Greek personalities since Antiquity to the present.

The first exhibit took place on February 9th to celebrate International Greek Language Day. Sponsored by: Greek Embassy in Japan. Cooperation: Minato Ward, MG School.

Click to see the collection

Closing ceremony:December 16th 2024

Ambassador Nicolaos Argyros' speech and Muriel Gaggini's greeting

感謝状贈呈 赤木千佐子 AKAGI Chisako

藤井道子 FUJII Michiko

毛受普子 MENJO Hiroko

長嶋泰子 NAGASHIMA Yasuko

佐藤あがた SATOH Agata

関佳子 SEKI Yoshiko

清水ミヤコ SHIMIZU Miyako

鈴木奈々 SUZUKI Nana

上山美恵子 UEYAMA Mieko

立野竜一 TATENO Ryuichi

Following the ceremony a reception was offered by the Ambassador. Everyone could enjoy Greek delicacies and drinks.

Awardees of Certificate of Appreciation

1. AKAGI Chisako 赤木 千佐子
2. FUJII Michiko 藤井 道子
3. HIGASHIIZUMI Yuko 東泉 裕子
4. HOSOI Yukako 細井 有加子
6. MENJO Hiroko 毛受 普子
7. MORI Risa 森 里紗
8. NAGASHIMA Yasco 長嶋 泰子
9. NORIMATSU Seima 乗松 清馬
10. OKADA Akiko 岡田 晶子
11. OMACHI Reiko 大間知 礼子
12. RINOIE Yuko 李家 裕子
13. SATOH Agata 佐藤 あがた
14. SEKI Yoshiko 関 佳子
15. SHIMIZU Miyako 清水 ミヤ子
16. SUZUKI Nana 鈴木 菜々
17. TAMURA Shiho 田村 志保
18. TATENO Ryuichi 立野 竜一
19. TERADA Kotoko  寺田 言子
20. UEYAMA Mieko 上山 美絵子


Left: Dr. Stylianos Hourmouziades Head of Cultural Affairs. Nobuaki Tanaka, Chairman of MG School

Center: Ambassador Nicolaos Argyros and Muriel Gaggini

Thank you everyone for your contribution to a worthy and enriching event.。

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